Library Usage Pattern of the Faculty Members in the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: a User Survey


  • University of Peradeniya



User Survey, Usage Pattern, Academic Staff, University Library


In order to setup user-centered services the library needs to know the users and their needs. One of the main tools that can be used to evaluate and assess the library services is the user survey. This paper presents the results of a user survey conducted among the members of academic staff. The objective of this study was to examine the library usage pattern of the academic staff members of Faculty Arts at University of Peradeniya. Specifically, this study was attempted to assess the user satisfaction towards the library services and resources while identifying the constraints are faced in using the library. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool and all permanent academic staff members in the Faculty of Arts were taken as the population of the study. The findings of the survey revealed that the faculty staff visits the library mostly for checking out books and for using the reference collection. Most of them were using the OPAC to search information and library webpage and the internet for teaching and research. Most of the faculty members were satisfied with the library and library collections except periodical collection and they were also satisfied with the arrangement of the resources and the physical condition of the library. Most of faculty members showed highest level disagreement with the statements given in the questionnaire as the barriers encountering when using the library.


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How to Cite

Gunasekera, C. (2013). Library Usage Pattern of the Faculty Members in the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: a User Survey. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 49(5), 501–510.



Received 2013-12-26
Accepted 2013-12-26