Semantics of Relationships in Knowledge Organization: Lateral Relationships


  • Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, Mysore Road, 8th Mile, Bangalore 560059
  • Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, MysoreRoad, 8th Mile, Bangalore 560059



Knowledge Organization, Semantic Relationships, Non-Hierarchic Associative Relationships, Lateral Relationships, Categorized List


Briefly overviews the occurrence and applications of semantic relationships, especially lateral relationships (non-hierarchic associative relationships), in different domains and mentions selected categorization schemes of such relationships. Presents an updated categorized list of lateral relationships.


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How to Cite

Neelameghan, A., & Raghavan, K. S. (2005). Semantics of Relationships in Knowledge Organization: Lateral Relationships. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 42(4), 361–382.
Received 2014-01-06
Accepted 2014-01-06
Published 2005-12-01

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